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There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.” -Margaret J. Wheatley.

Period poverty is a situation that has received barely any recognition in Nigeria even though it is a growing concern. Nigeria is a conservative country where topics of menstrual health are often viewed as taboo. Women purchasing menstrual hygiene products usually do so with a sense of embarrassment, often lowering their voices to ask for extra plastic bags with which to wrap them in.

What is Period poverty?

Period poverty occurs when someone cannot afford proper menstrual hygiene products such as sanitary pads and tampons. With over 44% of Nigeria’s population living in poverty, period poverty is one of the leading reasons why female students routinely miss school. Nigeria also places high taxes on menstrual hygiene products. With a pack of sanitary pads costing up to N500, buying these products is luxury for many Nigerian girls leading in many unsavoury practices. In the rural areas and IDP camps, many girls use cut up rags, which they recycle and even share amongst themselves. This unhygienic practice can lead to widespread infections affecting their reproductive health.

The Little Sister Project

The Little Sister Project is an initiative which calls on members of society to challenge and change the status quo by providing menstrual hygiene products for the women who cannot afford them. The life of a woman is fraught with many challenges. Through this program, WonderWoman Nigeria hopes to end Period Poverty in Nigeria’s rural areas and IDP Camps and lessen the burdens on the Nigerian woman.


So far, the little sister project caters for the menstruation needs of over 40 girls for two years! A total of 920 Dignity Kits, comprising 2,640 sanitary Pads, soaps, and deodorants, have been distributed to the girls.

It’s been a beautiful journey, and we are honoured and grateful for the love and support we get to ensure we educate young girls on period hygiene and keep them in school by providing them with period kits every month.

Let us all engage the menstrual equity gear and accelerate until period poverty is in our rearview mirrors. No girl should start her periods without accurate education about periods and adequate sanitary products to manage her periods. No parent should feel ashamed to talk about periods with their adolescent children.

More than 100 Girls are Beneficiaries of The Little Sister Projects.

We are committed to this journey until no girl suffers from Period shame/Poverty.

Send Your Donation to:

Account No: 0194372212
Bank: Union Bank
Account Name: Wonderful Woman For Sustainability Foundation

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